Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s Kurdistan Peshmerga Ministry denies demanding spread of International forces in areas of conflict

ARBIL / Northern Iraq’s Kurdistan Peshmerga (Kurdish troops) Ministry on Saturday has denied media reports that it had demanded the spread of UN forces in the areas of conflict between Kurdistan the central government of Iraq .   “We have not presented any such demand, neither by   the Iraqi government, nor the Kurdistan’s Regional government or even the Peshmerga Ministry, for the spreading of UN forces in the areas of conflict,” Peshmerga Minister, Jabbar Yawar told news agency.   He said that “a UN delegation, led by the UN Secretary-General’s Security Assistant for North Africa and the Middle East had visited the Ministry recently, and we have discussed with him the conditions in the areas in conflict, after the withdrawal of the American forces, but we did not present any demand to spread those forces in the areas of conflict, in difference between Baghdad and Arbil.”   A number of media sources have quoted Yawar as saying that his Peshmerga Ministry “had demanded the UN to spread forces in the areas of conflict between Baghdad and Arbil, in the event of the U.S. troops withdrawal from Iraq by the end of the current year.   SKH (IT)   919