Thursday, September 26, 2024


Watching with concern Maliki’s gov’t repression – Kurdish Intellectuals

BAGHDAD /  Kurdish intellectuals expressed their concern, today, over what they described as “the impatience of Premier’s Nouri al-Maliki’s government and its repressive organs against the protesters all over Iraq.”   In a statement, as received by, which included 113 signatories from amongst Kurdish intellectuals, they expressed their “denunciation for repressive measures committed against the demonstrators, preventing media organs from transmitting the events, and threatening and detaining the workers in the cultural fields as well as civil activists.”   The statement criticized Maliki for not fulfilling his promises in the 100-day period.   It rejected the thought of making the tribal Sheikhs clash with the demonstrators.   On 10 June instant, clashes occurred between the demonstrators and pro-government tribal elements who demanded the execution of the killers of Dijail wedding massacre, which happened in 2006. RM (TS)/SR 875