Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan denies uncontrolled commodities entry into Region

ARBIL / The Kurdish Ministry of Health Spokesman Khalis Qadir denied the news that the foodstuffs and commodities entering the region are do so in an unsystematic fashion, stressing that all of them are liable for inspection before arrival to prevent importing bad and expired materials. In a statement by the Kurdistan government, as received by, it confirmed that “the markets are free, but this does not imply uncontrollable freedom,” because all materials and commodities are fully inspected by the concerned ministries. He did not deny that smuggling periodically takes place in the region. Qadir pointed out that food poisoning ratio is very little, in comparison with the world. “With regards to the medicines without high quality, it is generally prohibited from entering the region,” he added. Iranian Press TV channel reported on 19 June instant that the Kurdish markets are uncontrollable such as no tariffs and no written regulations to organized the importation of materials into the region. The channel also elaborated on food poisoning in Kurdistan.   RM (TI)/SR 548