Saturday, September 21, 2024


Human Rights in Missan hand over remains of 3 Iraq-Iran War victims

BAGHDAD / The Director of the Human Rights Office in southern Iraq’s Missan Province has said on Saturday that his Directorate handed over the remains of three victims of the 1980-88 Iraq-Iran War to their relatives.   “The Human Rights Office in Missan has handed over the remains of three Iraq-Iran War victims to their relatives in Baghdad and Babel Provinces,” Ahmed Sattory said.  The handing over of the remains took place with the presence of representatives of the Human Rights Committee, the police and health authorities in the Province, he noted.   “A religious man in Missan’s Dubeisat area had buried the war victims at Sayid Nour Graveyard east of Amara city, together with their evidence documents,” Sattory said.   Missan’s Human Rights Office had announced last Friday the discovery of a mass graveyard, comprising 15 martyrs, most of them women and children in the so-called “May Revolutionaries Graveyard” in Amara city.   Amara, the center of Missan province, is 390 km to the south of Baghdad.   SKH (TS)/SR   432