Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi unity is a red line – secretary general

NINEWA / The Iraqi Justice and Reform Secretary General expressed his disappointment for Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi’s statement while he was in the U.S., when he stated that the Sunni component shall isolate itself for negligence, considering these statements contrary to the Iraqi constitution.   Sheikh Abdulla Ajeel al-Yawar told that “unacceptable ruler does not necessitate dividing Iraq, but finding new partners in the political process.”   He called upon all Iraqis to fight against this project which “has foreign agendas,” and the first speaker was Mr. Nujaifi.   Nujaifi spoke in an interview with Al-Hurra TV Channel on the possibility of the Arab Sunnis division for their political negligence.   “We expected him to have a notion of central unified government and deliver the voice of the Iraqi people to the United States to withdraw its forces and compensate the victims,” Yawar added.   “Talking about the unity of Iraq is a red line that should not be touched,” he concluded. RM (TI)/SR 599