Monday, September 23, 2024


Rocket-launchers supported by Iran, U.S. forces say

BASRA / The U.S. Forces in Iraq have charged rocket-launchers against southern Iraq ’s Basra International Airport , to be “extremist groups, Supported by Iran ,” pointing out that “elements inside Iran have been granting direct support, training and weaponry to the militias.”   “At about 04.00 pm local time on Sunday, rockets were launched by extremist elements, supported by Iran, whilst the American anti-rockets defenses have managed to confront the rockets, that failed to cause any harm,” a U.S. forces statement said on Monday.   The statement charged “the groups behind those attacks, who claim that they are fighting American troops, but they know that they are threatening nobody, but innocent Iraqis, along with important buildings, such as the Basra International Airport , considered one of the important economic installations of Basra Province and the whole of southern Iraq .”   “Element from inside Iran are still granting direct support, training and weaponry to the outlaw militias in southern Iraq, who are using those weapons against Iraqi installations, and in many cases they launch rocket attacks from the city of Basra, as they did last Wednesday, June 15, in their attack against the Basra International Airport,” the statement stressed.   The statement demanded “cooperation with the Iraqi security forces, in order to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice.”   In conclusion, the statement pointed out that “the U.S. military forces have decided to leave Basra International Airport in the forthcoming few months, being part of the Security Agreement, signed between the governments of Iraq and the United States in 2008.”   SKH (RT)   819