Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi Border Comm – official charges Iran – Kuwait with violating border agreement

BASRA / An official in Iraq’s Border Troops Command  has charged Iran and Kuwait with having violated an agreement, signed between Iraq and neighboring states, preventing any engineering activities close to the border areas among those countries. “An Iranian engineering activity, reflected in digging oil wells over a 500-meter distance, close to southern Iraq’s Shalamja border point, 30 km to the east of Basra, is taking place, along with similar engineering activity about 300 meters, in front of Safwan border town in Zubair area, 60 km to the west of Basra, close to the border line between Iraq and Kuwait,” the Iraqi official told news agency. “The agreement, signed between Iraq and the neighboring states, prevents carrying out any engineering activity, such as excavation and other works, across a 30-km distance away from the border areas. Thus, the measures taken by Iran and Kuwait represent a violation for the agreement,” he said. “The Iraqi Border Troops of the 4th Area had raised a report, regarding the said practices to the Iraqi government, demanding it to send the report to the Foreign Ministry, which will take measures to discuss both states about the issue,” the statement concluded. Basra, the center of the Province carrying the same name, is 590 km to the south of Baghdad. RM (TI)/SR 753