Monday, September 23, 2024


Premier Maliki is responsible for security deterioration – Zamili

BAGHDAD / Parliamentary Security and Defense Commission member Hakim al-Zamili shouldered the full responsibility for the deterioration in the security situation and the increase in the numbers during June 2011 on Premier Nouri al-Maliki. “The premier is the first responsible for the deterioration in the security situation. He has to solve this question by appointing the security ministers who should be specialized and knowledgeable,” Zamili told He added that the figures announced on the number of dead last month raised “much concern,” where 155 civilians, 77 cops, and 39 military personnel were killed in one month. “We, as members of the Commission, contacted the intelligence services and Baghdad Operations command and demanded that they change their plans,” he added. Zamili warned against the breaches from within the security organization. He added that the non-nomination of the security ministers and the continuation of differences between al-Iraqiya and the State of Law blocs will only further deteriorate the security situation deteriorate. “Some MPs have announced intent to finalize the nomination of ministerial posts within the coming two weeks and press the two blocs to end their differences,” he added. Official statements issued by the ministries of health, defense, and interior reported that 155 civilians were killed in June 2011, in addition to 77 cops and 39 military personnel, as well 454 were injured, including 192 civilians, 150 cops, and 112 soldiers. In contrast, 25 gunmen were killed and 102 arrested during last month, in addition to the seizure of arms and ammunition. 21 June last was the bloodiest day of the month when 36 were killed and 35 more wounded in two suicidal attack against the governor of Diwaniya. These figures are the highest since September 2010 when 273 were killed. As for the American forces, 14 soldiers were killed throughout Iraq, which makes it the bloodiest month since June 2008, when 23 soldiers were killed. RM (TR)/SR 672