Monday, September 23, 2024


Al-Iraqiya MP charges State of Law of being behind media campaign against Nujeify

BAGHDAD / The Legislature of al-Iraqiya bloc, led by Iyad Allawi, has charged the State of Law Alliance, led by Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, with having been behind the media campaign against Iraq’s Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify.   “The political blocs that criticized recent statements by Parliament’s Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, are better criticize the government’s failure after the end of its 100-day period to evaluate the cabinet ministries, expressing “surprise for those, who had set up the issue of federalism and regions in the Constitution, have been the same elements who objected Nujeify’s call,” Legislature Ahmed al-Alwany told a news conference at the Parliament’s building on Saturday.   “Usama al-Nujeify did not speak about secession, as much as he expressed the wish of some of the areas and provinces, including Anbar Province, to establish their own Region. This is due to the erroneous policies of the government, with regards to the distribution of the financial resources, the security dossier and appointments,” he added.   Nujeify, who belongs to northern Iraq’s Sunni Province of Ninewa and brother of its Governor, Athil al-Nujeify, had warned in a statement to al-Hurra Satellite TV Channel, during his recent visit to the United States that “Sunnis in Iraq might think of secession or to build their on Region, if reasons behind their feeling of “strong frustration that they are 2nd grade citizens” would not be treated.   The Legislature of the State of Law Alliance, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Ali al-Shilah, has told a news conference at the Parliament’s building on Saturday that “Nujeify had ignored a demand by 75 MPs, who demanded his questioning in the Parliament’s session later in the day.   Shilah described Nujeify’s recent statement during his visit to the United States as having been “harmful to the Iraqi people, their national unity and the Sunni sect, which had not considered secession from the other Iraqi sects.”   SKH (TF)/SR 485