Saturday, September 21, 2024


Continued US forces presence in Iraq will create problems – MP

NAJAF / A State of Law leading member said today that the “continued presence of the U.S. forces after 2011 is negative, and will create problems.”   Dr. Aboud al-Issawi, a member of the Parliamentary Tribes Commission, added that “the continued presence of the U.S. forces is a negative indication and will create problems. I do not think that America will jeopardize imposing its will on the Iraqi people after the termination of the agreement.”  According to Issawi, the Iraqi security forces have proven their its efficiency in protecting Iraqi cities as well as the internal security situation.  “In general, all Iraqi tribes demand full U.S. withdrawal,” he concluded.  Head of Shibl Tribes, Sheikh Riyadh Sha‘ban, told that the tribes will not permit any armed militias or foreign forces to interfere in Iraqi affairs following the U.S. withdrawal.  Sheikh Falah al-Adai from Anbar province told that “Iraqi tribes agreed to expel foreign forces from the country and they are able to do so.” RM (TS)/SR 907