Saturday, September 21, 2024


Christian Cardinal visits Najaf to meet Shiite Religious Authority

NAJAF / Iraq ’s Christian Cardinal, Emanuel III Dally, has arrived in the holy city of Najaf on Monday, where he visited the shrine of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, and is scheduled to meet the leading Shiite Authority, Sayid Ali al-Sistany, it was reported here today.   “Cardinal Emanuel III Dally has arrived in Najaf city early today (Monday), where he visited the shrine of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib and the museum of Sayid Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr,” correspondent reported, adding that Cardinal Emmanuel’s visit schedule includes a meeting with the Religious Authority, Sayid Ali al-Sistany.   Cardinal Emmanuel had visited Najaf one week ago, but he could not meet Sistany, who had apologized to receive him, “due to his large previous appointments that day.”   SKH (ST)