Friday, September 20, 2024


New Iraqi order – federalism are main obstacles – Barzani

BAGHDAD / The deputy chairman of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Nijirvan Barzani, said today that the question over the disputed areas should be solved between Baghdad and Arbil, pointing out that the problem in Iraq is to establish the new order and federalism.  In a speech at the conference to evaluate the Middle East and North Africa held in Italy today, Barzani noted that “Iraq is confronting many challenges, but not the generic problems of freedom and democracy. We are facing problems with the real establishment of the new order and federalism.”  “Iraq needs to build trust among political leaders, through the creation of a constitutional federal order, and solving the disputed areas, as well as rectifying the mistakes of the previous regime in these areas,” he added.  “Security and stability cannot be achieved without self-determination of the people,” he elaborated.  Barzani confirmed that the federal system is the best model for governing the country, and there is no justification for it not to be implemented in the Middle East.   RM (TI)/SR  542