Saturday, September 21, 2024


4 demonstrators arrested – Activist

BAGHDAD / Coordination member for Popular Movement Laith Mohammed Redha said today that a security force arrested, at a check point mid of Baghdad, four youths of the movement which demanded an end to external interventions in Iraqi internal affairs.   Redha told that the force arrested the four activists following the end of the demonstration and on their way to the bus that will take them to their homes.   No reasons for the arrests were given.   He added that about one thousand demonstrators took part in today’s protests calling to end foreign interventions in Iraq, denounced division plans voiced by some politicians, to eradicate corruption, termination of unemployment and provision of social services.   This Friday demonstration was called “Sovereignty Day” due to external attempts to interfere into Iraqi internal affairs “at a time no counter reaction is made by the Iraqi side,” as Redha commented. RM (TS)/SR 542