Saturday, September 21, 2024


Tomorrow’s meeting for US withdrawal – government slimming – MP

MISSAN / State of Law MP Mohammed Saadoun Al-Sayhood disclosed today that tomorrow’s political meeting will discuss the preparedness of Iraqi forces following the U.S. withdrawal, as well as the topics related to slimming the present government.   Sayhood told that the meeting will be held under the auspices of President Jalal Talabani.   “The meeting will find a vent for political problems and the differences among the big blocs that hinder the work of the government”, he added.   He added that “there is misunderstanding that the differences are between the main two blocs of State of Law and Iraqiya, but in reality there differences among all”.   According Sayhood, Premier Nouri al-Maliki will submit a detailed report on the preparedness of Iraqi security forces and will listen to viewpoints to be presented by all political blocs, as well as presenting another report on slimming the government.    Since March 2010 elections, the country is witnessing political crises in addition to mistrust, particularly between the main two government partners (State of Law and Iraqiyah blocs), where the latter calls for the implementation of Arbil accords that paved the road to the formation of the government, including the distribution of security posts and the National Council for  Higher Strategic Policies.   Differences concentrated between the two bloc on the implementation of Arbil accords and the choice of personalities suitable for security posts, which complicated the political scene and led to Friday’s demonstration that demanded eradication of corruption, better services and reforms.   Amara, center of Missan province, lies 390 km south of the capital, Baghdad. 823