Monday, September 23, 2024


Maliki’s Advisor accuses parties of hampering agreement in Leaders’ meeting

BAGHDAD / The Media Adviser to Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Ali Hussein al-Moussawi, has charged “certain political parties,” which he left unnamed, as having hampered reaching an agreement by the Political Leaders, who met in Iraqi President Jalal Talabani’s residence on Saturday. “The meeting did not rise to the level of understanding the great worries of the people of Iraq, Moussawi told news agency, charging that “there had been an attempt by some parties, unfortunately, to discuss secondary issues, on the expense of major issues, thing that led to the hampering of reaching important decisions, expected by the people, such as taking a decisive decision about the need for the presence or departure of the American troops from Iraq, an issue stemming from a national consensus.” “Our problem lies in the non-existence of major national topics agreed upon by all parties and blocs, but the philosophy of the parties lies in their difference about programs, but such difference must stem from basic issues, such as the practice in other world states,” he said, adding that “Iraq lacks unity of opinion towards major issues related to the security of the country, the people or the public interests.” Noteworthy is that a meeting was held, under patronage of Iraq’s President, Jalal Talabani, attended by Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, al-Iraqiya Leader, Iyad Allawi, Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, as well as the Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council, Mid’hat al-Mahmoud, the Chairman of the National Coalition, Ibrahim al-Jaafary, Representative of Kurdistan Region, Roz Nouri Shawes, Chairman of the Supreme Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, along with Vice-Presidents, Deputy Prime-Ministers and Parliament members. President Talabani told a news conference after the meeting that “Leaders of the Political Blocs have agreed on the activation of the role of the Special Committee, formed to look into the articles of the Arbil Agreement,” adding that “agreement had been reached to take a united position towards the continuation or ending the presence of the American troops in Iraq, or else to keep small units instead, within two weeks.”   SKH (TF)/SR 556