Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Shell International Company accelerates operations to lift landmines from Majnoun Oil Field

BASRA / IraqiNews.com: The International Shell Company has began to accelerate its operations to lift landmines from southern Iraq’s Manoun Oil Field, through increasing the number of its workers in this respect, in order to clean up the oil field from explosives, a Shell media spokesman reported on Thursday.   “A Shell team had began to clean up the Majnoun Oil Field from landmines and explosives, being part of developing the oil field, through increasing the number of workers in the field, thing that would lead to the acceleration of works to complete the field’s cleaning up from mines,” he told IraqiNews.com news agency.   He said the presence of explosives and landmines ”is one of the biggest challenges confronting us, thing that we strive to end in the nearest possible time.”   The spokesman said that “along with the continuation of excavation works, the 15 th of August next had been assigned as the date for digging the first oil well in Majnoun Oil Field.”   The license of developing the Majnoun Oil Field had been part of the Iraqi government’s 2 nd Licenses Session, which was scored by Shell Company, being one of the largest oil fields in Iraq and the whole Region.   Shell is carrying out nowadays the cleaning up of the area from landmines and explosives, around the Majnoun Oil Field that had been an arena for the Iraq-Iran War, that left large numbers of explosive charges on the oil field, close to the Iranian borders.   SKH (IT) 739