Friday, September 27, 2024


“We shall never ignore safety of Iraqi territories” – Maliki

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has said on Saturday that the safety of the Iraqi territories “are principles we shall never ignore, and shall protect them against any violations.”   “The safety of the Iraqi territories are principles we shall never ignore and shall protect them against any violence, that may sneak into Iraq under any topic, be it investment or security cooperation,” Maliki said in a speech at the 3rd Conference of Iraq’s Ambassadors abroad.  During the conference, which opened in Baghdad on Saturday, Maliki highlighted that the ambassadors “should inform us in the event of any violence targeted against Iraq’s sovereignty.”   “Iraq has been a victim of foreign interferences in its internal affairs,” Malilki said, adding that “Iraq’s Ambassadors bear the responsibility to find out the joint interests between us and other states they operate in, in order to enable Iraq to move in this respect.”   The works of the 3rd Conference for Iraq’s Ambassadors abroad started in Baghdad on Saturday, with the presence of President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Vice-President Khudhier Khuzae, Foreign Minister Hoshiar Zibari, Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council, Mid’hat al-Mahmoud, Deputy Prime Minister, Hussein al-Shahristany, Finance Minister, Rafie al-Issawi, as well as dozens of Iraqi Ambassadors abroad.   SKH (TI)/SR   457