Sunday, September 22, 2024


Premier Maliki suggests 29 ministries – letter

BAGHDAD / Premier Nouri Al-Maliki announced today that the great number of ministries has become a real burden on the work of the state. “This fact appeared after the 100-day period”, he clarified. Maliki sent a letter to the parliament, copy received by, proposing  a two-stage procedure, the first is to keep 29 ministries only. “So, as a result, we submitted a proposal to trim the government and increase the activities of the ministries, by canceling honorary post, combining or making changes in their leading personnel. The first stage will cancel all posts of ministers of state, except parliament, provinces  and women ministries, provided that the parliament will take the necessary measures to create a women’s ministry. As for the second stage, he added that there will be a sort of combination of ministries or cancellation. Maliki proposed that the ministries will be for defence, interior, foreign affairs, finance planning, oil, transport, justice, electricity, industry, agriculture, trade, municipalities, works and social affairs, construction, higher education, communications, education, health, culture, youth, technology and sciences, environment, water resources, immigration, human rights, woman, provinces and parliament affairs. RM (TI)/SR 905