Saturday, September 21, 2024


2 options for dealing with Iranian bombardment – legislature

ARBIL / North Iraq’s Kurdistan Region’s Legislature said on Wednesday that “Iraq has one of two choices to deal with the Iranian bombardment on Kurdistan’s border areas with Iran, either through direct dialogue with Tehran or through leaning on the United Nations.”   “Iraq has one of two choices in dealing with the Iranian bombardment, the first through direct dialogue with Tehran in this respect, or through raising the whole issue to the United Nations, in order to allow the International Law to become the party to settle the problem between us and the Iranians,” Member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Security & Defense Committee, Shuan Mohammed Taha told al-Sharq al-Awsat Newspaper.   Taha said that the Iranian bombardment had “surpassed all limits and it can’t be justified at all,” considering the Iranian act as “violence of the Iraqi sovereignty and an unaccepted act that necessitates an immediate interference to stop it in the nearest possible time.”   “The formation of a committee, led by the Leader of the State of Law Coalition, Hassan al-Sunaid, the Chairman of the Parliament’s Security & Defense committee, through coordination with Kurdistan’s Parliament, reflects fact that the viewpoint of both the Iraqi and the Kurdistan Parliament would be identical,” Taha stressed.   The Iranian artillery has carried out the bombardment of Iraqi Kurdistan’s villages and border areas of Choman, Haji-Omran and Soran, under the justification of chasing the anti-Tehran PJAK opposition forces in the area.   The areas of Mergasur, Kani-Rash and Taki-Shin in Kurdistan’s border areas, belonging to Choman township of Arbil Province, have been exposed for intensive bombardment by the Iranian forces last week, forcing the inhabitants of about 20 Kurdish villages to leave their home areas, according to local sources. SKH (TI)/SR 854