Friday, September 27, 2024


Blocs await Maliki’s security report – MP

BAGHDAD / Middle Coalition MP Mohammed Iqbal stated today that the political blocs are waiting for the security report of Premier Nouri al-Maliki to determine their position on the question of the  U.S. forces extension or withdrawal.  He pointed out that “the blocs’ stands are directed to the public opinion, without knowing the real situation of the Iraqi security and military capabilities.”  Iqbal elaborated that the U.S. forces cannot stay after the end of this year, due to the present situation in the country, though they believe that their stay is an important matter.  U.S. combat forces withdrew from Iraq last August according to the security agreement signed  between the two countries at the end of 2008, provided it will continue their 50.000 soldiers withdrawal by the end of this year.    RM (TS)/SR  585