Friday, September 27, 2024


Premier is responsible for determining US Forces stay – MP

BAGHDAD / Ahrar bloc MP Baha’ al-A’raji stated today that Premier Nouri al-Maliki is responsible for determining the preparedness of the security forces because he is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.   Sadrist Political Authority site reported A’raji saying that “Iraq is an institutional country, according to the constitution, so the prime minister is the only individual responsible for this question.” “Maliki declared many times that the government does not have any problem with the security affairs, except for the air force,” he noted.  “Arming the air force could be solved with joint defense agreements with the neighboring countries or any foreign country,” he added.  President Jalal Talabani denied, in previous statements, any desire for a continued stay of the U.S. forces in Iraq, despite the non-preparedness of the Iraqi army to defend its borders.    RM (TS)/SR    409