Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Barzani responsible for meeting’s failure – MP

BAGHDAD / An al-Iraqiya MP charged Kurdish Region’s  President Masoud Barzani with the responsibility for the failure of the meetings and non-achievement of fruitful results as he is the first patron of the Arbil agreement which established the formation of the government.  MP Wihadah al-Jumaili told that Barzani is the main individual responsible for this failure, pointing out that “the deterioration of the situation and the present challenges will be reflected through Iraqi public opinion.”  “Barzani guaranteed the Arbil initiative and presented the strategy of the new government which pushed al-Iraqiya Bloc to participate,” she added.  “Barzani bears the first responsibility, while other grades are borne by the decision makers in the State of Law Bloc,” she concluded. RM (TS)/SR 383