Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Six persons, detained by U.S. forces, proven to have attacked them

THI-QAR / IraqiNews.com: Six out of eleven persons, detained by the U.S. forces recently through an air-landing process in southern Iraq ’s Thi-Qar Province , have been proven to have been involved in an attack against the U.S. troops, Thi-Qar Police Commander said on Tuesday.   “The American forces have informed us that 75 percent of the persons, detained by them following a U.S. air-landing in Thi-Qar Province, have been proven, through their finger-prints found on shells and un-launched rockets in the area, that some of them have been used in attacking the U.S. forces, as 6 of the detained 11 persons were proven to have shared in the attacks,” Major-General, Sabah al-Fatlawi told reporters.   Fatlawi said that “the U.S. forces usually get arrest orders from Baghdad courts, and we informed those forces that they have violated the Security Agreement between Iraq and the U.S. , by carrying out landing operations in the Province.”   “They (U.S. forces) have replied saying that the Iraqi forces were not able to protect them, even if they carry out their duty, adding that the Iraqi judiciary is not able to take action against those who attack us, and the evidence is that one of the defendants, who was detained recently while trying to attack us, carrying explosives and remote-explosion devices, had been released with the evidence against him was scrapped,” he said.   Meanwhile, the Chief of al-Ahrar (Liberals) Bloc in the Iraqi Parliament, Hamid al-Ghazzy, said that “the Security Agreement comprises includes the right of defense by the American forces, that must take place through coordination with the Iraqi forces, and any detention by them is not allowed.”   “The continuation of detentions makes us believe that even Parliament members are threatened by detention, as there is an instruction by the U.S. Defense Secretary to carry out operations, in order to justify the extension of the U.S. troops presence in Iraq ,” Ghazzy said.   He said that “there are eyewitnesses, who confirmed that Iraqi government cars, with unknown identities, had accompanied the U.S. forces during a detention operation in Fudheiliya area, 15 km to the east of Nassiriya, the center of Thi-Qar Province,” adding: “I ask about the government’s position towards such acts.”   Fatawi, on his part, said that the same cars, supplied for the Iraqi forces, “are supplied to the Americans, and their recent operations did not witness any participation by the Iraqi police or Army in those operations.”   “The cars, that attacked the said areas, were driven by Americans, though I expect that they had guides from the attacked areas to lead them, taking into consideration that about 4,000 Iraqi workers in Imam Ali Base (used by the Americans) could have supplied them with such information,” Fatlawi said.   A source, who refused to be named, told IraqiNews.com news agency that “there is talk in the Parliament about the recent operations, that have uncovered the existence of secret articles in the Security Agreement, the Americans are talking about now that we haven’t seen yet, authorizes them to carry out such detentions.”   The Assistant Charman of Missan’s Council, Jamil Yousif, told IraqiNews.com that “The Province’s Council had raised the issue of the U.S. air-landings, carried from outside the Province, to the Central government to take necessary action towards them.”   “We were taken by surprise by the response of the American side, who considered such acts as part of self-defense, confirming their commitment to the bonds of the Security Agreement, signed between Baghdad and Washington , saying that such attacks did not represent a violation for the Agreement, so long as they are considered as part of self-defense,” he said.   “They (Americans) are replying against protestors, by saying: ‘let them stop attacks against us, in order to make us stop our offensives,” he added, stressing t