Saturday, September 21, 2024


Friday demonstration turned to Mutanabi St.

BAGHDAD / A member of the Popular Movement Coordination Commission said that today’s demonstration, organized in Tahrir Square, has been turned to Al-Mutanabi Street due to “pressures from groups belonging to Premier Nouri al-Maliki.”  Laith Mohammed Redha told that “tens of the Popular Movement  demonstrated demanding reforms and ending corruption, but other demonstration groups of Maliki entered with sectarian slogans which obliged the Movement to turn to Muatanbi street.”  “We turned the demonstration for fear of expected clashes,” he added.  No other details were given.  Since 25 February last, Baghdad and other provinces witnessed demonstrations demanding reforms, work opportunities and fighting corruption.  The government promised to implement all the demonstrators’ demands, including trimming the government from 42 ministries to 30. RM (TS)/SR 1444