Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq Should Resort to Arab League for Kuwaiti Port, MP

BAGHDAD / Sadrist Trend affiliated Al-Ahrar bloc called the Iraqi government to resort to the Arab League to solve the Kuwaiti port problem, expecting that Kuwait will stop the work in the project.   MP Ameer Al-Kinani said that “the crisis with Kuwait is a matter connected with the Iraqi foreign policy, so the government has to resort to the Arab league, as a regional organization specialized with the Arab countries”.   “If nothing is done, Iraq will resort to the United Nations through the Hague International Court to solve it”, he added.   Kinani pointed out that “it is not in the Iraqi interest to cut off relations with Kuwait , but we can negotiate to stop the work”.   He expected that Kuwait will stop the work, because such stoppage will not affect Kuwaiti interests, taking into consideration that it has three ports on the Gulf.   Kuwait , on 6 April last, announced the establishment of Mobarak port after one year of Iraqi previous declaration.   RM (TP)     412