Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi Legislature warns foreign oil companies from holding contracts with any state without Iraq’s approval

BAGHDAD / The Legislature of the White Iraqiya Bloc, Alia Nuseif, has warned foreign oil companies, that got licenses to work in Iraq from holding any consignment for exporting Iraqi oil or natural gas for any state, including Kuwait , without Iraq ’s previous approval.   “The foreign oil companies are acting in Iraq , according to the principle of partnership with Iraq and they don’t reserve the right to negotiate or hold any contract or consignment with any state, before consulting the Iraqi official departments,” Nuseif told news agency on Tuesday.   “Our monitoring bodies must observe any negotiations held with international parties, in order to protect Iraq ’s rights and secure non-holding of any consignments with such states relations of whom are witnessing political tension, such as Kuwait ,” she said.   Noteworthy is that Kuwaiti media sources had reported recently the existence of negotiations between the Kuwaiti side and an international oil company, operating in Iraq, to export natural gas for Kuwait indirectly, passing through another state.   SKH (ST)