Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Nujaifi, Jeffery discuss Iraqi situation – US forces Stay

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi discussed with US ambassador James Jeffery a number of important topics related to Iraq , the area and the fate of US forces, a parliament statement said today.   The statement, copy received by IraqiNews.com, reported that “Nujaifi stressed the importance of immediate stoppage of Iranian bombardment against Iraqi territories, which is a violation of Iraqi sovereignty”.   It added that a parliamentary committee was formed to investigate this question and submit its report.   According to the statement, Nujaifi stressed that Arbil agreement should be implemented as “the basic corner to solve all problems that face the political process in Iraq “.   It is supposes that this question will be discussed today at the political blocs’ meeting under the patronage of President Jalal Talabani.   Kurdistan president Masoud Barzani made an initiative to solve the political crisis for forming the government, as well as national partnership question.   On the other side, ambassador Jeffery extended felicitations on Ramadan month and handed over a letter from the US senate regarding twining both organizations, as reported by the statement.   RM (TP)     717