Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdistan is a strategic area – Italian diplomat

ARBIL / Head of the Italian consulate in Kurdistan region Simon de Santi declared today that Italy sees Kurdistan as a strategic area, pointing out that the Italian government is optimistic for the future relations with Kurdistan.  In a statement by the Kurdistan government, the Italian diplomat visited Foreign Relations Department and met Mr. Falah Mustapha, during which bilateral relations were discussed as well as increasing economic, trade and cultural relations.  Mustapha welcomed Mr. Santi and regarded this visit “as a base for enhancing diplomatic relations with Kurdistan.”  He pointed the importance of developing relations with Italy, hoping Italy will enhance its role in organizing special exhibitions and holding an economic summit as well as enhancing relations between mutual chambers of commerce.  Both sides discussed the positive role played by the Kurdish leadership in solving problems and finding solutions to establish peace and security in Iraq.  Possibility of cooperation in establishing a Kurdish representation in Italy was discussed to develop relations with Italian regions.  Italy lifted its representation in the Kurdish region following the meeting of Kurdish president Masoud Barzani and the Italian foreign minister, held last October.   550