Saturday, September 21, 2024


Salahal-Din’s Council condemns killing of its Is’haqi citizens by U.S. forces

SALAHAL-DIN / Salahal-Din Province’s Council has condemned on Sunday an attack by the American forces that killed 2 citizens and injured a third one in Is’haqi village south of the Province on Friday, demanding the formation of a committee to investigate the incident and calling on the Iraqi government and Parliament to bear responsibility to protect the lives of civilians.   “The Council shall take legal measures, based on the report to be issued by the investigation committee, based on the Security Agreement, signed between Iraq and the United States, in such a way that secures the compensation of the victims and sending the element involved in killing the innocent people to the Iraqi Judiciary,” a Council’s statement, copy of which was received by news agency reported.   “The Council condemns such continued crimes, committed by the American forces in the Province, demanding the Central government and the Parliament to put an end for such violations and to burden their responsibility to protect the lives of citizens,” the statement added.   A Joint Iraqi-American force had implemented an air-landing at Is’haqi village of Salahal-Din Province, killing a man, a 10-year-old child, and seriously injuring his father on Friday.   Tikrit, the center of Salahal-Din Province is 175 km to the north of Baghdad .   SKH (IT) 536