Wednesday, September 25, 2024


No changes in Strategic Council’s law – al-Iraqiya

BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya Bloc MP Othman Jihaishi said today that the Higher National Strategic Policies Council, submitted to the Parliament, is the same draft law approved by the Arbil Agreement.  Jihaishi told that “nothing has been added to this document, which shall have the first reading in the parliament tomorrow.”  Political blocs agreed on 2nd August to send the draft law to the parliament,  in addition to submit nominees for the security posts of interior and defense ministries, within two weeks time.  Since March 2010 elections, Iraq has been having a dilemma of mistrust between the two main political partners in government (State of Law and al-Iraqiya), where the latter demands the quick implementation of the Arbil Agreement, which led to the formation of the government in December 2011. Al-Iraqiya Bloc warned that the non-implementation of the Arbil Agreement will oblige it to adopt decisive stands, including possibly no-confidence in the government and a call for early elections.  On the other side, the State of Law stated that it implemented most of the terms of the agreement, but the remaining points could be solved through discussions that will help reach final solutions.     RM(TI)/SR  959