Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan Parliament votes on sending Peshmerga to Diala areas

ARBIL / The Parliament of north Iraq ’s Kurdistan Region has voted on Thursday to send Kurdish Peshmerga forces to the areas of Jalawlaa and Saadiya in eastern Iraq ’s Diala Province to protect Kurdish citizens and carry out negotiations with Iran to restore the Wand River waters to Khanaquin in Diala Province , an MP said.   “The Parliament has voted in its Thursday session to send Peshmerga forces to the areas of Jalawlaa and Saadiya in Diala Province , Abdullah Mahmoud told news agency, along with voting on carrying out negotiations with Iran to find a diplomatic settlement for the problem of cutting the Wand waters on Khanaquin city.   The Kurdistan Parliament had adjourned its session from Wednesday to Thursday, after listening to views and proposals of the Special Committee, assigned to visit Jalawlaa and Saadiya townships and the problem of the escalation of armed attacks against Kurdish citizens and the cutting of the Wand river waters.   Kurdistan’s Peshmerga Ministry had spread its forces in Khanaquin city of Diala Province, after the escalation of the Kurdish demands on both popular and official levels to protect Kurds in those areas, considered among the areas in-conflict between Kurdistan government and the Federal government of Baghdad .   SKH (IT)