Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdistan government denounce Turkish bombardment – statement

ARBIL / The government of Kurdistan expressed today its indignation and protest for the Turkish aerial bombardment which led to the immigration of the people and great material losses, pointing out that the security of the region cannot be implemented by unilateral actions, violence and border penetration which contradict all international laws and principles of friendship, but through joint discussions among the Iraq federal, Kurdistan and Turkish governments.  In a statement by the regional government called for the respect of Iraqi and Kurdish sovereignty.  “All parties should consider the sensitivity of the situation in Kurdistan, and therefore not use Kurdish territories to attack neighbors because they will oppose the higher interests of the Kurdish people, investment process and public service.”  “These could be solved through understanding and dialogue,” it added.  The statement rejected the idea of penetrating the region’s territories under any pretext because that “will have negative reflections on the friendship of the people of the region as a whole and their joint interests and will not consolidate security and stability.” RM (TI)/SR 444