Friday, September 20, 2024


Peshmerga forces won’t interfere in conflict with Iranian

ARBIL / The Secretary-General of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan’s Peshmerga Ministry has stated on Sunday that the Kurdistan government won’t interfere in the current conflict on Iraq’s borders with Iran and Turkey.   “The position of Kurdistan Region’s government towards the current conflict between (the anti-Tehran) PJAK Party and Iran on Iraq’s borders with Iran, as well as the clashes between Turkey and the (anti-Ankara) Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK),” Maj-General Jabbar Yawar told news agency, adding that his government “won’t interfere in any military conflict on this-or-that side against the other.”   Yawar considered the Problem to be “political and not military, that is why it can be settled through diplomatic negotiations among all parties,” expressing “readiness by the Kurdistan government to help carrying any diplomatic dialogue to settle the crisis,” saying that “dozens of years of fighting did not achieve any important result.”   “The situation in the Region can’t stand military conflicts,” Yawar said, adding that “innocent civilians are falling victims for this fighting, and the only losers are those victims.”   The Kurdistan Region’s government had expressed anger and protest against Turkish war raids on Kurdistan’s areas, thing that forced large numbers of their citizens to desert their home villages.   SKH (TI)/SR 709