Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Necessity to implement Arbil Agreement – Talabani

BAGHDAD  /  President Jalal Talabani and his two vice-presidents confirmed necessity to develop the political process through implementing Arbil agreement and abide by the resolutions reached during the last meeting of the leaders of political blocs.   In a presidential statement, copy received by, Talabani met with vice-presidents Tariq al-Hashimi and Khudhair al-Khuza’i during which they discussed the situations on the regional , international and Arab arenas, in the light of recent developments.   On the national level, they tackled all efforts to solve problems and resort to real dialogues.   On 2 August instant, the leaders of the political blocs agreed on many points, including the Higher National Strategic Council and to extend new nominees for security ministerial posts within a period not exceeding two weeks.   RM (TS)/SR 451