Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdish government should respect court’s decision – Change Movement

ARBIL / Opposition Kurdish Change Movement spokesman announced that the Kurdish government did not repay their financial allocations, pointing out that the government “should respect the court’s decision”. Mohammed Tawfeeq Raheem told that “the Movement was not informed on the repay of allowances”. “The same case is applicable to other Islamic parties, so all should regain their allowances”, he added. He stressed that the Movement wanted to implement the opposition conditions before returning to the 5-party negotiations. Negotiations among all Kurdish opposition and government parties stopped last July, following the political crisis, including 17 February demonstrations in Sulaimaniyah where 9 were killed and tens wounded. The demonstrations continued for two months, before being controlled by the Kurdish region forces, which coincided with cutting off parties’ allowances in attempt to press them to stop their protests. RM (TI)/SR  331