Friday, September 20, 2024


PKK denies killing 100 of its members

SULAIMANIYA /  PKK party denied today Turkish military news on killing 100 of its members during air raids in Qandeel mountains inside Iraqi Kurdistan. Ahmed Deniz, PKK public relations official, told that “the news are baseless and  illogical because the Kurdish people will not believe these rumors.” “Ankara, through these lies, is initiating a psychological warfare against the Kurdish people”, he added. He disclosed that only three PKK members were killed, in addition to seven civilians. The Turkish army, earlier, announced that it killed 100 of PKK members and wounding 80 others and denied that its warplanes attacked civilians on the Kurdish villages raids. The Iranian bombings to Kurdistan border areas continued for the last two months, while the Turkish actions entered its second week, which led to casualties and material losses in the adjacent border areas. Local Kurdish sources reported that Turkish jet fighters continued bombing the villages along Qandeel mountain in Iraqi Kurdistan. Several areas in Arbil and Duhuk provinces are under Turkish bombings since last week, in areas, described by the Turkish army, as possible centers for the PKK members who, recently, inflicted 30 casualties on the Turkish side. Turkey announced it will continue its raids till eliminating PKK members and stop their military actions inside Turkey. RM (TI)/SR 393