Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iran starts new operation against PJAK

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: Iranian land forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards announced today the beginning of new military operations against anti-Iran PJAK members in the bordering areas with Iraq, Mehr news agency reported.   The agency quoted Media department of Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards that “Ramadan period granted to withdraw of PJAK forces and their non-abidance, our forces decided to chase these terrorists and eliminate them”.   The battles erupted for weeks between anti-Iran PJAK forces and the Iranian along Iraqi-Iran borders, but stopped during Fitr Eid, following the killing of tens between the two sides.   Iranian artillery bombs daily the border areas where it thinks PJAK members are available, which led to some killings and immigration of hundreds of Iraqi families.   The Iraqi government called the Iranians to stop the shelling, while an Iraqi parliamentary delegation visited these areas and submitted its report demanding the Iraqi government to press the Iranians to stop shelling and compensate the families.   On the other hand, tens of NGOs  and civil organizations called for stopping these atrocities.   RM (TI)/SR 335