Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iran claims expelling PJAK forces from Iraqi borders, Mehr news agency

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com:  Iranian official sources announced today that PJAK members are expelled from the Iranian northern western borders, following the termination of the period demanded by Iraqi Kurdistan government to negotiate with them, Iranian Mehr news agency reported.   The Iranian sources described PJAK as “terrorist gangs”.   Iranian MP Ismael Kawthari pointed out that Iranian revolutionary guards made attacks before 45 days to clear the border areas.   He added that “Iraqi Kurdistan leaders wanted a time-table to talk with PJAK, but the rebate ended and we started to chase these terrorists in a second phase of military operations”.   Kawthari disclosed that 30 members sof PJAK were killed last Friday.   Few weeks ago, fighting took place between PJAK members and Iranian forces along the joint borders, but stopped during Fitr Eid, after killing tens from both sides. Iranian artillery is bombing daily the border areas inside Iraqi territories that led to some killings and immigration of hundreds of families, who live in “tragic” situations.   The Iraqi government called the Iranians to stop the shelling, while a parliamentary delegation visited the bombarded areas and called for immediate halt of fire and to compensate the families.   Tens of Iraq NGOs demanded to stop Iranian atrocities. RM (TI)/SR 317