Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdish government rejects draft Oil – Gas Law , spokesman

ARBIL / Spokesman of Kurdistan Presidency announced today the rejection of the oil and gas law, calling the Iraqi Parliament and the Cabinet to reject the draft because it does not coincide with the original draft agreed to with all political entities.   In a statement, the spokesman said “we denounce this maneuver, so we call the cabinet to withdraw the draft law immediately, because it does not coincide with the constitution and the legal procedure with the cabinet itself”.   “Following the absence of a federal oil policy for more than six years, and unjustified escape of political agreements, we are astonished, now, by the behavior of the cabinet to pass a law which we did not agree upon”, the statement added.   On the other hand, Iraqi cabinet decided to approve the oil and gas draft law and referred to the parliament for endorsement, pointing out it was the only draft law, thus abrogating all previous ones. RM (TP)/SR 808