Friday, September 20, 2024


Press Society demands PM Maliki to release Iraqi Journalist

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Society for the Defense of Journalists Rights has demanded the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces to uncover the fate of the Iraqi Journalist, Mohammed Ismail Mustapha, who was detained by a joint Iraqi-U.S. force in western Baghdad last week, for unknown reasons.   “The wife of the detained Journalist Mohammed Ismail Mustapha, a freelance reporter, notified our Society of his detention by a joint Iraqi-American Force last week from his house in west Baghdad’s Ghazaliya district. His press card and other credentials were confiscated, and the current location of his detention remains unknown,” Ibrahim al-Sarraji told news agency.   “Our Society demands the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Baghdad Operations Command to uncover the fate of the said detained Journalist and the reasons for his detention, stemming from the transparency, the freedom of opinion and the implementation of the Law on the Iraqi Journalists Rights that was recently ratified, taking into consideration that Mohammed Ismail Mustapha is a working member of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate,” he said.   Iraq’s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, holds the position of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces. SKH (TI)/SR   748