Sunday, September 22, 2024


Opposition parties call to implement Barzani’s decisions

SULAIMANIYA / The Opposition parties in northern Iraq’s Kurdistan Region on Tuesday called to implement all decisions recently issued by the Region’s Presidency.   “The Three Kurdish Opposition Parties have expressed satisfaction towards the four decisions, taken by Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, including one on the revision of the budget for the Opposition Parties. We consider the remaining three decisions to be more important than the budget,” a member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Islamic Union, Abu-Bakr Ali, told a news conference.   Iraqi Kurdistan’s President, Massoud Barzani, had issued four decisions earlier this month about the developments in Kurdistan Region, including the detention of the persons who were sentenced by Kurdistan courts for their role in the tense incidents that took place in the Region last February and March.   “The other decisions had been non-detention of any person in an illegal manner, the payment of the financial allocations for the Parties, and the formation of a committee to study the illegal administrative measures taken against members of the Kurdish Opposition,” he said. SKH (TS)/SR 467