Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Malikis’ government is a dictatorship – MP

BAGHDAD / An al-Iraqiya MP described the present Iraqi government as being similar to a dictatorship, warning against the wrath of the Iraqi public for unilateral governmental decisions.   MP Khalid Abdullah al-Alwani told that “the present government , headed by Premier Nouri al-Maliki, is similar to a dictatorship, with one ruler and one party, without real partnership, just in name”.   “There are no consultations in government affairs and non-implementation of Arbil agreement”, he added.   Alwani warned against public wrath for unilateral control of government decisions.   Kurdistan president Masoud Barzani criticized Tuesday the work of the Iraqi government as “unilateral” and pointed out that the Regional Government aims at solving all problems with Baghdad. RM (TS)/SR 375