Friday, September 20, 2024


Turkish movements on Kurdistan borders – official

ARBIL / Northern Iraq’s border areas are witnessing military tension, along with Turkish air flights over the area, a Kurdistan Border Command’s source reported on Saturday.   “Friday night had witnessed several Turkish air flights over the border areas, especially over the triangular border area, connecting Iran, Turkey and Iraq,” the source told news agency.  “There are Turkish military movements over the area, but no certain advance of these forces has yet been witnessed inside the Iraqi border areas,” the source stressed.   “In the event of entrance by the Turkish forces into the Iraqi borders under justification of chasing their opposition forces, belonging to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), we shall wait for instructions from the Supreme Command in Kurdistan Region to face those forces,” he said.  “The biggest loser from such tensions are the inhabitants of these areas, who lost their lands and cattle,” he noted.    Northern Iraq’s Kurdistan border areas has been witnessing bombardment by Turkey and Iran, under justification of chasing the PKK forces and the anti-Tehran PJAK forces, thing that caused several victims among civilians, damaged several houses, agricultural fields and property of citizens in several border villages.   SKH (TI)/SR 417