Friday, September 20, 2024


Foreign Relations Commission following al-Fiqar’s detention in Bahrain

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Parliamentary Foreign Relations Commission is following the issue of releasing Iraqi sportsman Dhou al-Fiqar, who has been detained since the eruption of Bahraini demonstrations, a media official said. Abbas al-Amili told that the commission is liasing with the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to secure his release. The U.S. Embassy was asked to intervene in this matter, when reports said that some  atrocities were committed against him during his detention. Dho al-Fiqar was detained on 15 April, 2011 during the events that erupted in Bahrain. Though many detainees were released , al-Fiqar remains in detention. To this date, no information is available on his charges. RM (TS)/SR 182