Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Barzani calls Kurdistan Parliament to adjust his Region’s Elections Law

SULAIMANIYA / The President of northern Iraq ’s Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, has called Friday on his Region’s Parliament to accelerate the adjustment of the Law on Elections of Kurdistan’s Provinces.   “President Barzani has called Friday on Kurdistan Parliament to accelerate the adjustment of the Law on the elections of Kurdistan Region’s Provinces Councils,” saying that “the call had been raised in the meeting of members of the Political Bureaus of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), attended by Barzani and Mrs. Hero Ibrahim Ahmed, the Wife of PUK’s Leader, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.”   The Law on the elections of Kurdistan Provinces Councils had been postponed several times, due to the differences towards its items, pending the agreement of the Kurdistan Parliament to adjust its law, in order to cope with the open-list law, clearly defining the authorities of the Provinces.   A source close to the Kurdistan Leadership said that the meeting was held at PUK’s Headquarters in Sulaimaniya, to “discuss the differences between Arbil and Baghdad , along with discussing the results of Barzani’s meeting with the Chairman of the Kurdish Opposition Movement, Nowshirwan Mustapha.   Barzani had held a bilateral meeting on Thursday with Nowshirwan Mustapha, in which they discussed the relations between the Kurdish Opposition Movement and the government of Kurdistan .   SKH (IT)   385