Sunday, September 22, 2024


POLITICS: Iraq’s Kurdistan Alliance rejects calls for sectarian, narrow-nationalist struggle

BAGHDAD / The Kurdistan Alliance group in the Iraqi Parliament has called Monday for necessity that the statements of Parliament Members to coincide with keenness on national unity, boosting of civil peace and not to instigate sectarian and narrow-nationalist sedition.   The Kurdistan Alliance’s Legislatures were commenting on a statement, issued by the Parliament Members, representing the Iraqi Provinces of Salahal-Din, Ninewa, Diala and Kirkuk.   “Such statements are being issued at a time when positive atmospheres are taking place to strengthen national partnership to steer the country’s affairs, while a delegation from Kurdistan Region is scheduled to head for Baghdad to settle some of the suspended problems, while a delegation from the State of Law had visited Kurdistan and met its President Massoud Barzani.   Kurdish Legislature, Khalid Shiwany, had confirmed that “the Kurdistan Alliance stood beside the demand of the Turkoman Component to carry out an investigation about the bloody crimes aimed at forcing the Turkomen to desert the city of Kirkuk.”   “All available information at the Kurdistan Alliance confirm that terrorist forces have been launched from Hawija township of Kirkuk Province, supported by certain parties to implement a bloody plan, targeted against civil peace and the political process, but the available information won’t be made public by the Kurds till the completion of the investigation,” Shiwany said.   The Deputy Chairman of the Kurdistan Alliance in the Parliament, Muhsin Saadoun, read a statement in the Parliament that included “the issuance of a statement by a group of Legislatures from Kirkuk, Ninewa, Diala and Salahal-Din’s Arab Component, expressing a trend that stood counter to the Constitution, aimed at hampering the democratic political process and undermine the political consensus to achieve the national partnership.”   “We confirm here that all the political agreements, concluded between the Kurdistan Alliance and the other political forces are taking place within the framework of the Constitution and their implementation would guarantee the activation of the political process and pushing it forward,” Saadoun said.   “As regards to the Constitutional rights of Kurdistan people, Article 140 of the Constitution represents the only choice for self-determination of the areas included in this article, and the oil & gas laws must be legislated according to the Constitution, in such a way that secures the correct march to develop the oil sector,” he added. SKH (FT)   238