Saturday, September 21, 2024


9th Festival to commemorate Great Arab Poet Mutanabbi in Wassit Thursday

BAGHDAD / The Fine Arts Department of Iraq’s Ministry of Culture is to participate in the 3-day 9th Festival to commemorate the Great Arab Poet Abul-Tayib al-Mutanabi, scheduled to be held in Wassit Province on Thursday, a Ministry statement reported on Wednesday.   “Our Fine Arts Department’s participation in the Festival aims to highlight this occasion, through the inspiration of wisdom and chivalry that had characterized the Great Poet Mutanabi in his poems,” the statement, copy of which landed in news agency stressed, adding that the participation will include an exhibition of artists of the Chamber, as well as for artists of the Province of Najaf.   The Festival will begin near the Tomb of Mutanabi in Numaniya city, with an opening address by the Culture Ministry’s Senior Undersecretary and the Chairman of the Higher Committee for the Festival, Jaber al-Jabiry, to be followed by speeches by the Governor of Wassit, the Chairman of its Council, the Chairman of the General Federation of Iraqi Writers, Fadhel Tahmer and poems by Poet Mohammed Ali Al-Khafaji and other poets from different Iraqi provinces and other activities.   SKH (TI)/SR 163