Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurds to send 2 negotiating delegations to Baghdad

BAGHDAD / The Kurdish Coalition has decided to send two negotiating delegations to Baghdad to work in two main axis, one to discuss the problems of the political parties and the other to discuss the differences between the Arbil government and the central government in Baghdad, Member of the Kurdistan Coalition, Mahmoud Othman said on Wednesday.   “The first axis will be the discussion of the problems among the political parties, in which the implementation of the Arbil Agreement and the political partnership will be discussed, whilst the other axis will be the discussion of the suspended problems between the Central government and the Kurdistan Region,” Othman told news agency, stressing that “the Kurdish side is concerned with both axis.”   The Kurdish movements and parties had conferred last Sunday with the President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, to discuss the suspended issues between Arbil and Baghdad, in which they discussed the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution and the treatment of the crisis of the Oil & Gas Law.   A statement about the previous meeting of the Kurdish forces had criticized the delay of the government in implementing important items of the agreements, agreed upon, especially issues related to the building the basis for a national partnership and the principle of balancing on basis of the Constitution and the agreement to fill in the vacant ministerial posts, along with the erroneous direction to settle the suspended problems with Kurdistan Region, as there exists real problems in the course of the national partnership and the democratic process.   The political situation in Iraq is witnessing differences between the governments of Arbil and Baghdad in the background of implementing the Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, regarding the areas in-conflict, as well as the ratification of the Oil & Gas Law.   The President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, had presented an initiative to settle the political crisis in Iraq, including the formation of an 8-12 member committee, representing different political blocs to begin talks to form the new government and to settle the suspended differences, and to hold extensive meetings for the leaders of the political forces to settle the issue of the three Presidencies.   SKH (TF)/SR 511