Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Rejection pf US forces extension – MP

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Al-Hal (Solution) political bloc announced its rejection to the extension of U.S.forces in Iraq. MP Ziad al-Dharib, affiliate to Iraqiya bloc, said in press conference, attended by IraqiNews.com, that “we reject the stay of U.S.forces at any form”. He called upon the political entities, meeting today, to shoulder their historical and national responsibilities in respecting Iraqi Will. He disclosed that a new formation shall be made under the name (Parliamentarians against Occupation). According to the agreement with the United States, the U.S.forces should withdraw from the country by the end of this year, but there are American circles wish to stay after 2011, while many Iraqi political blocs did not expose their opinions despite the talks that greater of these blocs support the stay of US forces till the completion of Iraqi forces preparedness, which means additional few years. RM (TI)/SR Number of Reads:360