Saturday, September 21, 2024


Call to withdraw Kuwaiti terminal dossier from foreign affairs to transport ministry

BAGHDAD / White Iraqiya bloc called upon the executive authority to withdraw the Mobarak terminal dossier from the foreign ministry and refer it to ministry of transport, because it is a technical one, according to a statement of the bloc.   The statement, copy received by, quoting MP Alia Nsaif, added that “the foreign ministry cannot do anything to this dangerous dossier which affect Iraqi ports, following neglecting the role of navy general who was appointed to this purpose”.   Parliamentary Integrity Commission member Ammar al-Shibli declared, earlier, that Iraqi foreign minister “received a bribe from the Kuwaiti embassy” for keep low profile of the Kuwaiti port.   She called Minister of Transport to exert extra efforts to make Kuwaitabandon this port.   Nsaif criticized foreign minister Hoshiar Zebari for his statements in the United Nations which minimized the dangers of Mobarak port on Iraqi economy and supported UN resolution 833 on the demarcation of the borders between the two countries.   Kuwait announced last April that it will build its port, after one year of Iraqi declaration to build Greater Fao Port.   Iraq criticized Kuwaiti project as damaging the Iraqi interests and the waterway that leads to the Iraqi ports, and demanded to change the site of the terminal, but Kuwait rejected it as “baseless”. Number of Reads:113